Below are the listed services that are available. If you are ready to schedule a service, click 'Book Now' and you will be redirected to my booking website and active calendar. Please contact me via email at drblakebanner@gmail.com if you have any questions about an individual service.
Secure payments are made through PayPal. Please include any special requests on the booking site (there is a place for comments). Bundle and Package Deals available for Meditation and Distance Reiki, please email for more information.

Distance Reiki Session
Distance Reiki is an excellent option for those unable to be present for a hands-on session. The effects of distance Reiki sessions are just as impactful as an in-person treatment and I will be working on your energetic field as if we were in the same room. Distance Reiki can be booked for yourself, your partner, family or friends as long as they are in agreement. Prior to scheduling a time, we can discuss via phone call or email any particular concerns, problem areas or issues you have been dealing with lately to further personalize your experience. Following booking confirmation via email, I will provide information on what is to be expected during your session and how to prepare. Distance Reiki works best when you are in a relaxed environment with no distractions to be fully attuned to the treatment. Following the Reiki session you'll receive a detailed energy field summary broken down by each chakra and information on how to balance your specific deficits, strengthen flow, recommend tools and what else is required based on what is discovered or messages received!
Distance Reiki Session with Crystals
n addition to the described aspects of a distance Reiki session, I will include carefully selected crystals to your distance treatment. Crystals naturally possess additional healing properties that work in conjunction with energy work. Crystal Therapy is safe, effective and has zero side effects. Crystals can be used to enhance and amplify the Reiki session. Following your session, I will include a detailed summary of all the crystals used and their properties in addition to the detailed summary report.

Guided Meditation
Guided meditation is when you are guided, by a narrator, to elicit a specific change in your life. With guided meditation you are given a complete mind and body relaxation session. During this relaxation session you are guided to relax every part of your body, which will help your brain to reach deep meditative states. Meditation can create calmness in the mind and can lead to a more positive outlook. The guided meditation lasts 10-15 minutes and is performed via Zoom, the link will be provided to you following booking, if you prefer the phone option this will also be available to you as an option.
Benefits of Meditation:
Reduce Stress
Control Anxiety
Enhances Self Awareness
Improves Sleep
Improves Concentration
Increases Happiness
Chakra Card Energy Reading
This is a 9-Card Chakra Energy reading paired with intuitive messages. Additional oracle card pulls may be incorporated in your reading as clarifiers if needed. This is NOT a Reiki Healing Session - the purpose of this reading it to provide you with insight on the current state of your energetic body. Available as an email service or via Zoom.

Sound Healing Session
Sound Healing is when the practitioner uses music to improve the overall state of the client. My instrument of choice is sound bowls of varying sizes and notes in order to improve the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being while balancing your energetic centers. The sound healing session lasts about 15-20 minutes and is performed via Zoom, the link will be provided to you following booking, if you prefer the phone option this will also be available to you as an option.
Benefits of Sound Healing:
Clarity and Balance
Improved Sleep
Improved Creativity
Chakra Based Life Coaching Sessions
Each session is individualized and focuses on your needs, concerns & goals - sessions will be adapted to your current situation at each meeting to make sure you benefit fully. This is an energetic body centered model where themes of the 7 primary chakras are used to serve as a guide for uncovering obstacles/challenges, promoting self-improvement, goal achievement and positive change.

Speaking Engagements/Group Meditation/Mindfulness Events

Looking for a speaker for your virtual or in-person event?
I specialize in group meditation, sound healing and Mindfulness, Well-Being, Burnout Prevention, Self-care and monitoring the mind-body connection. Each topic can be tailored to your audience specific to your event.